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Dance of Entrepreneurship - The Extras, Regina (2008)
Dur 45 mins DVC Pro HD
Live Performance,
with Michele Sereda, 23 Extras, 2 live cameras, live video and sound mixing, video projection, Regina Queen’s Square

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The Extras - Regina was a performance created for and with a community in the prairies in Sasketwchewan, Canada.
It explores the role of extras within the tradition of the Western cowboy movie genre. Originating in research at the Saskatchewan provincial film and photographic archives to identify local movie locations, that were used as stereotypical midwest Western settings, a script was developed through a series of workshops organised with groups of local extras, re-staging and re-performing key film scenes from movies recently produced in Saskatchewan, (Tommy Douglas Story,

2006, The Englishman’s boy, 2008). These workshops experimented with re-articulating the conventional relationship between the ‘Star’ (as heroic individual) and supporting cast (as conformist masses), staging different ideological representations of the extra as both the passive “everyman of the cinema” unruly mob and/or revolutionary collective threatening to occupy public space, destabilize public order and rearticulate conventional power relations.

The performance was staged and performed at Central Plaza in Regina, with a crew of 23 extras, 2 live cameras, live video, sound and video projection. The performance video was edited live and mixed with video material developed through a collaboration with a local theatre reenactment company, performing scenes from The Medecine Line, in a 19th Century outdoor drama production by Ken Mitchell, staged in an natural amphitheatre in Moose Jaw, featuring a historical encounter between Sitting Bull, Lakota Sioux and the North West Mounted Police, which involved numerous actors on horses.

Direction/Camera/Conception: Susanne Clausen, Pavlo Kerestey, Michele Sereda
Edit: Susanne Clausen
Camera: Jason Cawood, David Geiss, Pavlo Kerestey
Sound and Image mixing: Jeff Morton
Sound/Production Assistant: Cameron Wiest, Beverly Andrews
Producer: Curtain Razors
Actor: Michele Sereda
Extras: Errol Kinistino, Nik Burton, Cheyenna McKenzie, Kurt Brown, Chelsea McKenzie, Ramses Calderon, Kendra Hobbins, Heather Cameron, Arnold McKenzie, Blair Fournald, Simon Moccasin, Angel Genereux, Alex Monteith, Jennifer Jones, Susu Robin, Dwayne King, Claudia Vallevand, Melanie Vollman, Diana Zhang, Jared Moldenhauer, Uriel Kerestey, Mickey O’Shea, Janet Stoody, Bonnie Schaffer, Carolyn Sunquist, Gordon Jardin, Janet Samoisette, Mackenzie Delorme, Elizabet, Acteson-Unrau, Joanne Kowalchuk, Nola Chaplin, Renee Quining, Jayna McLellan, Connie Chaplin, Donna Dyck , Hannah Dyck, Katie Dyck, Emma Dyck, Madison Hiltz , Gil Trithardt, Dorothea Trithardt